Giving Letter 2018

Dear Friends:

The envelope had this scrawled on it: “Minnie’s* Jesus on Colfax Money.” I opened it, finding a $20 bill and 75 cents in change, Minnie’s loving contribution to our work along East Colfax.

Minnie is part of our flock, alternately delighting and infuriating us. She struggles with mental illness, battles a crack addiction and at times sells her body to make all that work. She barely survives, dependent on the meager work of a patient husband. That and her $300 a month in disability barely keeps them off the street. For her, $20.75 is a lot of money to give away.

Disordered as her life is, she loves Jesus and tries to follow. She wants to give. She once said to me that most people view her and those like her as the scum of the earth, but that we come and see them as people, loving them unconditionally. We are her admittedly ragged church.

Giving the money to us is complex—she needs to do it right away when her money comes in or she will spend it on other things. Diane and I were out of town, so our daughter Spenser met her at 7:00 am last Friday to get her gift before she spent it. She apologized that it was not a full 10% but said she is going to do it every month.

We are grateful for her $20.75, touched by her sacrifice to help our ministry. That said, we are also grateful for the support we receive from so many of you—following what we do, praying for us and our people, supporting us financially. Your generosity, along with Minnie’s, allows us to serve Jesus and our beautiful but broken friends here along East Colfax.

It is nearly 3 years since I started hanging out here and almost 2 1/2 years since we dove fully in, moving into Room 36 at the Ranger Motel. We are amazed at what Jesus has done in that brief time.
•  We have been able to become friends of many like Minnie, loving them, seeing Jesus in them, being Jesus to them. An odd, ragged but beautiful flock has emerged from that, people we share life with. However, we are barely scratching the surface of this world and pray that increases.
•  We are grateful for a team of 12-15 volunteers who serve with us, knocking on motel doors, making friends, and giving themselves away in Jesus’ name.
•  We are excited to see Jesus slowly build a bit of a Christian community here at the Ranger as we move some of our friends in. Having them close gives us opportunities to lean in, love each other and share life, good and bad. We pray that grows.
•  We are amazed at the building we have purchased. There is a lot of work to be done to make it functional, but it will ultimately be a “living room” for our friends and will also provide space for other ministries that serve those trapped in various levels of poverty.
•  I am thankful to be a part of Flourish East Colfax (FEC), a joint effort of 6 ministries. Together we pray over the community, do Christian community development and partner to bring holistic, Jesus-centered transformation.

Our life serving Jesus along East Colfax is full, rich and challenging. Like most missionaries, we have highs and lows. We need to constantly monitor our pace so as to not burn-out. That said, we love our life and couldn’t imagine a better way to spend these years than here along East Colfax.

We do live here as missionaries, dependent on the prayer and financial support of people like yourself that allows us to give ourselves fully to this work. As we head to the end of the year, would you prayerfully consider joining Minnie in giving Jesus on Colfax a financial gift (tax-deductible)? One time gifts are deeply appreciated, but we are also grateful for those of you who give on a monthly basis. If God nudges you in either of those directions, you will find details below on how to give.

Our focus in this email is on the resources we need to run the daily reality of our work. That said, you can also give to the building project, though we will focus more on that in the future.

Thank you in advance. Jesus’ rich blessings to each of you and we wish you a very Blessed Christmas!

Shawn and Diane Sikkema
Jesus on Colfax Ministries

Here is how you can give:

1. Visit our Jesus on Colfax website and ‘click’ DONATE NOW (
2. Text 'COLFAX' to 77977 - You will receive a one-time reply containing a link to give to Jesus on Colfax Ministries. Be aware that Msg & Data rates may apply.
3. Canadian Donors: If you live in Canada and would like a Canadian tax-deductible receipt, you can give through Resonate Global Mission: Go to . Select the link 'Donate Now'.  In the first drop down menu select 'Missionaries - USA' and in the second drop down menu select 'Shawn Sikkema, Jesus on Colfax Ministries, Denver AG+'.
4.  You can also access the link below "DONATE NOW".


*Name changed to protect her identity.


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