
Tuesday Night OUtreach

We show up in pairs of two in larger groups to the motels on East Colfax between Yosemite and I 225. We love people by bringing food, listening to their stories, and offering hope through prayer and encouragement. We build relationships by being consistent.


What it looks like

*This was during Covid so a few things have changed, but its a great visual.


Ways to help with the Family Room

  • Provide Food

    Anyone can help provide food for Tuesday Night Outreach! You can sign up below to make burritos or bring bananas or cutie oranges.

  • Be Equipped

    Are you interested in joining us for Tuesday Night Outreach? You will learn more and feel equipped to serve by attending the Volunteer Training.

  • Volunteer

    Have you already been through training and you are ready to volunteer? Sign up to serve on a Tuesday Night.